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‘Daytime Revolution’ Review: In a Fascinating Footnote From the John Lennon-Yoko Ono Annals, Hipster Activists Reach the Middle American Masses

‘Daytime Revolution’ Review: In a Fascinating Footnote From the John Lennon-Yoko Ono Annals, Hipster Activists Reach the Middle American Masses

Then there are the less familiar faces, like biofeedback researcher Gary Schwarz, who hooks them all up to electrodes to measure their internal responses to music; avant-garde musician David Rosenboom; macrobiotic chef Hilary Redleaf, who leads a cooking demonstration making hijiki pockets; and folk singer/activists Nobuko Miyamoto and Chris Iijima, known as Yellow Pearl, whose lovely song about second-generation migrants “We Are the Children,” carries a message still relevant more than 50 years later.